One important element to take into consideration when loading precompiled style sheets at run time is the load that you're putting on the user's system as a result. 在运行时加载预先编译的样式表时,需要考虑的很重要一点是由此给用户系统带来的负荷。
Run time name resolution: Rather than physically reconfigure the network to change routing, you can use the WebSphere MQ cluster functionality to achieve the same result. 运行时名称解析:与物理地重新配置网络以更改路由不同,您可以使用WebSphereMQ集群功能实现相同的结果。
The above example assumes that$ { tableColorVar} resolved to the value "blue" at run time, as a result of a request URL like 上面的示例假定,与以下类似的请求URL导致${tableColorVar}在运行时解析得到的值为“blue”
The WLM portion of the WebSphere Application Server run time returns an indirect IOR ( interoperable object reference) to the EJB client as a result of the lookup() call. WebSphereApplicationServer运行时的WLM部分把一个间接IOR(可互操作的对象引用)返回到EJB客户机作为lookup()调用的结果。
Hibernate seamlessly hides all of this at run time, properly parsing the result set and returning the proper list of objects. Hibernate在运行时无缝地隐藏这些细节,它会正确地解析结果集并返回正确的对象列表。
In reading and writing habits run from left to right groups, studies between spatial position with emotional valence and time have reached a common result, which associations left with negative and past, while association right with positive and future. 已有研究对左右空间与情绪效价和时间的关系几乎达到共识,在阅读、书写习惯从左到右的群体中均存在左负、右正、左过去、右将来的关联模式。
Finally this paper provided specific function implementation in the case of logistics tracking system, simulated the mutual authentication model by model error rate and single run time index. The simulation result proved that this model ensured system security and communication efficiency. 最后以物流跟踪应用为例给予具体的功能实现,并从模型误码率和单次运行时间这两个指标对双向认证模型进行了仿真,在提高安全性的同时,保证了系统的通信效率。
At the coal-mine field, maybe there are many objects which fulfill the grouping laws, so we must run the perceptual grouping algorithm many times to focus on the final needed object, this process costs more computation time, and will not definitely find the wanted result. 在煤矿视频监控目标中,满足编组准则的目标可能有多个,此时需要多次执行编组过程,增加了运算时间,并且也未必能够检测到最终结果。